On September 5, 2019, HUD issued Notice H-2019-09, PIH-2019-23 (HA), Rental Assistance Demonstration - Final Implementation, Revision 4. This revised notice provides program instructions for the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Program, including eligibility and selection criteria.
The RAD program was created by Congress in 2011 and provides the opportunity to test the conversion of public housing and other HUD-assisted properties to long-term, project-based Section 8 rental assistance to achieve certain goals, including the preservation and upgrading of these properties by enabling Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) to access private and public debt and equity to address immediate and long-term capital needs. RAD is also designed to test the extent to which residents have increased housing choices after the conversion, and the overall impact on the properties.
RAD has two components:
The purpose of this article is to review the basic RAD elements of the First Component relative to eligibility, conversion requirements, and financing considerations.
As noted above, under the First Component of RAD, PHAs may choose between two forms of Section 8 Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Contracts; project-based vouchers (PBVs) or project-based rental assistance (PBRA). No incremental funds are authorized for this component. As such, initial contract rents are established based on public housing funding levels and are subject to applicable program rent caps. Applications may be submitted for a specific project or a PHA-defined portfolio of projects. If a PHA applies for a portfolio award, HUD will reserve RAD conversion authority for the number of units covered by the award, and the PHA will be required to submit a RAD application for each individual project. After HUD approval, a project will receive a long-term Section 8 HAP Contract.
PBV Conversions
Where the PHA converts assistance of a public housing project to Section 8 PBVs, the HAP contract will be administered by the agency with which HUD has entered into the applicable Voucher ACC, which is usually the same agency that is converting assistance. Contract rents will be established and will be adjusted annually by HUD’s published OCAF on each anniversary of the HAP Contract subject to appropriations and the rent reasonableness requirement. The initial contract will be for a period of at least 15-years (but may be up to 20-years). At or prior to the expiration of the initial contract and each renewal contract thereafter, the Voucher Agency shall offer, and the Project Owner shall accept, a renewal contract for the prescribed number and mix of units, either at the site of the project subject to the expiring contract, or upon request of the Project Owner and subject to PHA and HUD approval, at another site through a future transfer of assistance.
PBRA Conversions
Where the PHA converts assistance of a public housing project to Section 8 PBRA, the HAP Contract will generally be administered by HUD’s Office of Housing, unless later assigned to a PHA that is under ACC with HUD for the purpose of administering project-based Section 8 HAP Contracts. Contract rents will be established and will be adjusted annually by HUD’s published OCAF at each anniversary of the HAP Contract. The initial contract will be for a period of 20 years and will be subject to annual appropriations. At expiration of the initial contract and each renewal contract, HUD shall offer, and the project owner shall accept, a renewal contract for the prescribed number and mix of units, either on the site of the project subject to the expiring contract, or upon request of the Project Owner and subject to HUD approval, at another site through a future transfer of assistance.
To be eligible for RAD, a PHA must:
Project Conversion Requirements and Financing Considerations
HUD expects that the majority of projects undergoing conversion of assistance through RAD will do at least some rehabilitation or reconstruction. The following include requirements related to conversion plans more broadly, including those involving rehab and construction:
Conversion Planning Requirements
The de minimis allowance may be calculated across portfolio conversions but the number of de minimis units allowed must be calculated based on the RAD conversions closed prior to or simultaneous with the execution of the de minimis reduction. For example, a PHA that is converting 200 units across three properties is permitted to replace 190 RAD-assisted units (i.e., 95% of 200) across its portfolio and apply the unit reduction to a single property.
However, the property that would have ten fewer units assisted under a RAD HAP Contract must convert simultaneous with or after the first two properties - not before.
A PHA must demonstrate that any reduction in units better serves residents, the Covered Project, or the operating viability of the PHA’s RAD or public housing portfolio, will not result in the involuntary permanent displacement of any tenant family, and will not result in discrimination based on federally protected characteristics.
Financing Requirements & Considerations
If a PHA lacks recent experience in accessing various forms of debt and/or equity capital, it may wish to consider engaging technical assistance offered by local or national development intermediaries, professional financing advisors, consultants, and/or development partners to augment its capacities. HUD will assess the capacity of the development team.
Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTCs), Historic Tax Credits (HTCs), and Opportunity Zones
Applicants are encouraged to use LIHTCs and, if eligible, historic preservation tax credits, opportunity zones and state or local tax incentive structures, to support capitalization. Applicants are also encouraged to assess local demand and supply considerations if proposing to utilize LIHTCs and to discuss their interest in applying for LIHTCs as soon as possible with state or local tax credit issuing agencies to obtain guidance on how to compete for awards most effectively.
While the applicant must indicate in its application if it intends to use tax credits, there is no requirement to have secured those credits prior to submitting an application.
This article has dealt with the RAD project conversion basic requirements and financing considerations. The next article on the RAD Notice will focus on waivers, alternatives, and other public housing requirements.
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