On October 30, the IRS published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in the Federal Register. This Notice concerns the LIHTC Average Income Test and outlines the current intention of the IRS with regard to certain rules governing the Average Income (AI) test.
Written comments regarding the proposed rules must be received at the IRS no later than December 29, 2020.
Section 42(g)(1)(C)(i) enunciates the requirement of the AI set-aside, stating that a project meets the minimum requirements of the average income test if 40 percent or more (25 percent in New York City) of the residential units in the project are both rent-restricted and occupied by tenants whose income does not exceed the imputed income limitation designated by the owner with respect to the respective unit. The owner must designate the imputed income limitation for each unit and the designated imputed income limitation of any unit must be 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, or 80 percent of AMGI. The Code provides that the average of the imputed income limitations designated by the taxpayer (i.e., owner) for each unit must not exceed 60 percent of AMGI.
Section 42(g)(2)(D)(iii) was added to the Code to provide a new next available unit (NAU) rule for situations in which the owner has elected the AI test. Under this new NAU rule, a unit ceases to be a low-income unit if two conditions are met: (1) the income of an occupant of a low-income unit increases above 140% of the greater of (i) 60% of AMGI, or (ii) the imputed income limitation designated by the owner with respect to the unit; and (2) any other residential rental unit in the building that is of a size comparable to, or smaller than, that unit is occupied by a new tenant whose income exceeds the applicable imputed income limitation. If the new tenant occupies a unit that was taken into account as a low-income unit prior to becoming vacant, the applicable imputed income limitation is the limitation designated with respect to the unit. If the new tenant occupies a market-rate unit, the applicable imputed income limitation is the limitation that would have to be designated with respect to the unit in order for the project to continue to maintain an average of the designations of 60% of AMGI or lower.
Under §42(g), once a taxpayer elects to use a particular set-aside test with respect to a low-income housing project, that election is irrevocable. Thus, if a taxpayer had previously elected to use the 20/50 or 40/60 test, the taxpayer may not subsequently elect to use the AI test.
Explanation of Provisions
Proposed Applicability Date
The amendments to the NAU regulation (1.42-15) are proposed to apply to occupancy beginning 60 or more days after the date the regulations are published as final regulations. The AI test regulations (1.42-19) are proposed to apply to taxable years beginning after the date the regulations are published as final regulations. However, taxpayers may rely on these proposed regulations relating to the NAU rule for occupancy beginning after October 30, 2020, and on or before 60 days after the date, the regulations are published as a final regulation. Taxpayers may also rely on the AI test proposed regulations for taxable years beginning after October 30, 2020, and on or before the date those regulations are published as final regulations.
These proposed regulations do provide some clarity relating to the Available Unit Rule and assist in our understanding that the IRS does not believe a project should lose all credit due to the failure of one unit as a low-income unit (unless the minimum set-aside is not met). However, a significant problem with the proposed regulation is that designations, once set, cannot be changed. The industry will certainly be objecting to this provision during the 60-day comment period. There is one other area on which clarity should be sought. All the mitigation examples in the proposed regulation include a case where a unit is lost due to no longer being suitable for occupancy. Left unanswered is what happens if a low-income unit is occupied by an ineligible household. Does the fact that the owner designation for the unit still results in the 60% AI test being met keep the property in compliance with the 60% test result in the loss of only that one unit with no requirement for mitigation measures? Or, would this unit also no longer be considered a low-income unit for purposes of the 60% average? Also, what if the issue that would remove a unit from the low-income count occurs in one year, is not discovered by the owner, and is discovered by the State Agency during a review that occurs more than 60 days after the end of the tax year in which the event occurred? While this could not happen in the case of a habitability issue, it could certainly occur relative to resident eligibility. Comments seeking clarity on the circumstances under which a unit may no longer be counted toward the 60% average are a certainty. Until this issue is clarified, the safest course of action for owners will be to follow the mitigation alternatives outlined in the proposed regulation in any case where a low-income unit is either not in service or rented to an ineligible household.
It is recommended that all LIHTC industry participants review the proposed regulations and make comments to the IRS by the deadline date of December 29, 2020.
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