During the month of May 2022, A. J. Johnson will be partnering with the MidAtlantic Affordable Housing Management Association for two live webinars and one in-person training intended for real estate professionals, particularly those in the affordable multifamily housing field. The following sessions will be presented:
May 17: Basic LIHTC Compliance - This training is designed primarily for site managers and investment asset managers responsible for site-related asset management and is especially beneficial to those managers who are relatively inexperienced in the tax credit program. It covers all aspects of credit related to on-site management, including the applicant interview process, the determination of resident eligibility (income and student issues), handling recertification, setting rents - including a full review of utility allowance requirements - lease issues, and the importance of maintaining the property. The training includes problems and questions designed to ensure that students are fully comprehending the material.
May 19: Intermediate LIHTC Compliance (In-person training in Linthicum Heights, MD) - Designed for more experienced managers, supervisory personnel, investment asset managers, and compliance specialists, this program expands on the information covered in the Basics of Tax Credit Site Management. A more in-depth discussion of income verification issues is included as well as a discussion of minimum set-aside issues (including the Average Income Minimum Set-Aside), optional fees and use of common areas. The Available Unit Rule is covered in great detail, as are the requirements for units occupied by students. Attendees will also learn the requirements relating to setting rents at a tax credit property. This course contains some practice problems but is more discussion-oriented than the Basic course. A calculator is required for this course.
May 24: Successful Management of Properties with Layered Programs: The development of affordable rental housing is a complex undertaking that often requires a combination of programs to succeed. While the foundation of most affordable rental housing today is the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program, the tax credits alone are often not enough to ensure project feasibility. Successful properties often must "layer" programs in order to work. Such programs include the HOME program, Section 8, Public Housing, and the Rural Development Section 515 program. Regardless of which programs are used together, management must understand the rules of all, and be able to implement them at the project level. This three-hour session will cover some of the most common pitfalls when managing layered properties and provide guidance on the knowledge required to be successful. Questions and discussion will be encouraged, and attendees will be able to ask specific questions about the issues facing their properties.
These sessions are part of the year-long collaboration between A. J. Johnson and MidAtlantic AHMA that is designed to provide affordable housing professionals with the knowledge needed to effectively manage the complex requirements of the various agencies overseeing these programs.
Persons interested in any (or all) of these training sessions may register by visiting either www.ajjcs.net or https://www.mid-atlanticahma.org.
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