A short time ago I posted an article providing an overview of the new IRS final regulation on the Average Income Set-Aside. I promised to post a series of articles detailing some of the more complex elements of the final regulation and this is the first in that series. In this article, I will review the term "qualified group of units" and how it relates to establishing a building’s applicable fraction.
Qualified Group of Units
This new term means just what it sounds like; this is a group of units that - as a group - qualifies for tax credits and has an average imputed income limit of no more than 60%. A qualified group of units must be determined for two reasons:
1. To establish that at least 40% of the units in the project are qualified low-income units with an average imputed income of no more than 60%; and
2. to establish the units that may be included as a "group" for purposes of establishing the applicable fraction for the buildings.
Determining "Qualified Groups of Units" for Purposes of the Applicable Fraction
The applicable fraction is the percentage of a building occupied by qualified low-income households. It is the lesser of the percentage of low-income units or the percentage of low-income residential floor space and is determined on a building-by-building basis. Except for the first year of the credit period (where the applicable fraction is the average of the applicable fraction for each of the 12 months in the first year of the credit period), it is determined as of the last day of the tax year.
Under the final regulations, the determination of a group of units to be taken into account in the applicable fractions for the buildings in a project follows the same approach as determining a group of units to be taken into account for purposes of the set-aside test.
For example, if a unit was designated at 80 percent of AMGI and if including that unit in an otherwise qualified group of units causes the average of the imputed income limitations of the group to exceed 60 percent of AMGI, then the taxpayer cannot include the 80 percent unit in the otherwise qualified group. Only the otherwise qualified group of units, without the 80 percent unit, is a qualified group of units used to determine the project’s buildings’ applicable fractions.
Once a qualified group of units in a project has been identified for a taxable year, the applicable fraction for each building in the project is computed using the units that are in both the qualified group and the building at issue.
The following example illustrates how the qualified group of units concept is used in determining an individual building’s applicable fraction:
How Noncompliance Impacts the Applicable Fraction
Assume that in Year five, the HFA performs a monitoring review of the project and finds that Unit A3 was occupied by an ineligible resident at move-in, and the unit was ineligible at the end of the tax year. Unit A3 is removed from the count of low-income units, leaving the remaining nine units with an average imputed income of 62.22%. In order to achieve the required 60% average, the owner must designate a group of units with a 60% or less average. The owner chooses to remove A2 from the applicable fraction for the year, leaving eight low-income units in the group with an average of 60%.
Building A’s applicable fraction for Year five is 60% (three units out of five). Building B’s applicable fraction for Year 5 is 100%.
As always, the applicable fraction is determined on a building-by-building (BIN-by-BIN) basis during each year of the compliance period. However, the "qualified group of units" is always determined on a project basis. Once a qualified group of units in a project has been identified for a taxable year, the applicable fraction for each building in the project is computed using the units that are in both the qualified group and the building for which the applicable fraction is being determined.
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