HUD Demonstration Program on Housing Choice Voucher Physical Inspections
A.J. Johnson
On April 27, 2016, HUD published in the Federal Register a "Notice of Demonstration to Test Proposed New Method of Assessing the Physical Conditions of Voucher-Assisted Housing."
Through this Notice, HUD is seeking comments on a demonstration designed to test a new method of performing inspections on apartment units occupied by residents with Section 8 Vouchers, now known as Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV). Comments are due to HUD by July 5, 2016.
In the 1970's HUD established housing quality standards (HQS). PHAs use these standards to determine if housing meets the requirements necessary for the safety and habitability of occupants assisted under the Section 8 voucher program.
The HUD Office of Inspector General (OIG) has released several audit reports and evaluations that have identified weaknesses in the HCV inspection program. As a result of these reports, the Senate 2014 appropriations bill directed HUD to "...move to a consistent inspection standard across housing assistance programs, as well as for oversight of Section 8 units." A subsequent review by HUD showed that the current HQS protocol lacks objective, well-defined deficiency descriptions, is unable to capture granular unit conditions, and relies on a paper inspection form. There is also an absence of modern health standards such as carbon monoxide detectors and sprinkler systems, and an absence of a universal list of life threatening or emergency deficiencies.
HUD has not accelerated the search for a replacement to the HQS, leading to the eventual development of the Uniform Physical Condition Standards - Voucher (UPCS-V). In the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016, Congress directed HUD to implement a single inspection protocol for public housing and voucher units. This demonstration begins the process for implementing a single inspection protocol by soliciting Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) to voluntarily move to the single inspection protocol, conduct field testing, and participate in oversight and monitoring activities relating to the new standard.
The Demonstration
UPCS-V incorporates housing health and safety constructs, concepts from the UPCS, and HQS.
Under this demonstration, HUD will test, for up to three years, with up to 250 PHAs, the UPCS-V model as a new method of assessing the physical condition of voucher-assisted housing.
The new inspection model differs from the HQS inspection model in that it incorporates standards based on UPCS and uses a classification system that collects a more detailed level of data resulting in a better representation of the condition of the unit.
To participate in this Demonstration, a PHA must administer a HCV program. PHAs participating in any aspect of the Demonstration will be required to participate in focus groups, conference calls, and training sessions on policies and procedures. HUD will train each participating PHAs inspectors, administrators, and quality control staff on the new inspection protocol, including how to use the inspection software.
HUD is requesting that PHAs interested in participating in the Demonstration notify HUD no later than July 5, 2016, by emailing HUD at, and providing the PHA name, address, contact name, contact phone number, and email address.
Owners and managers of multifamily properties that accept vouchers should stay abreast of progress relative to this Demonstration since it will impact the inspection of units occupied by voucher holders.