
A. J. Johnson Partners with Mid-Atlantic AHMA for December Training on Affordable Housing

During the month of December 2023, A. J. Johnson will be partnering with the MidAtlantic Affordable Housing Management Association for two live webinar training sessions intended for real estate professionals, particularly those in the affordable multifamily housing field. Following the webinars, AJ will be providing a review of testable areas and in-person administration of the Housing Credit Certified Professional (HCCP ) exam.  The following sessions will be presented: December 12: Intermediate LIHTC Compliance - Designed for more experienced managers, supervisory personnel, investment asset managers, and compliance specialists, this program expands on the information covered in the Basics of Tax Credit Site Management. A more in-depth discussion of income verification issues is included as well as a discussion of minimum set-aside issues (including the Average Income Minimum Set-Aside), optional fees, and use of common areas. The Available Unit Rule is covered in great detail, as are the requirements for units occupied by students. Attendees will also learn the requirements relating to setting rents at a tax-credit property. This course contains some practice problems but is more discussion-oriented than the Basic course. A calculator is required for this course. December 13: Advanced LIHTC Compliance - This full-day training is intended for senior management staff, developers, corporate finance officers, and others involved in decision-making with regard to how LIHTC deals are structured. This training covers complex issues such as eligible and qualified basis, applicable fraction, credit calculation (including first-year calculation), placed-in-service issues, rehab projects, tax-exempt bonds, projects with HOME funds, Next Available Unit Rule, employee units, mixed-income properties, the Average Income Minimum Set-Aside, vacant unit rule, and dealing effectively with State Agencies. Individuals who take both two days of training will be provided with study materials and a practice exam to assist in preparation for the HCCP exam, to be administered on December 15. December 14: Review of testable areas and administration of the Housing Credit Certified Professional (HCCP ) exam (In-person exam in Richmond, VA). Following the two days of intensive and comprehensive LIHTC training, AJ will provide a review of program requirements and will administer the HCCP exam in person. These sessions are part of the year-long collaboration between A. J. Johnson and MidAtlantic AHMA that is designed to provide affordable housing professionals with the knowledge needed to effectively manage the complex requirements of the various agencies overseeing these programs. Persons interested in any (or all) of these training sessions may register by visiting either or

HOTMA Makes Important Changes to the Definition of a "Family"

Introduction The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has released Notice H 2013-10, which expands upon the Final Rule for implementing the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (HOTMA). This final rule revises the definition of "family" to also include a single person who: Is an otherwise eligible youth who has attained at least 18 years of age and not more than 24 years of age; Has left foster care, or will leave foster care within 90 days, in accordance with a transition plan that complies with the requirements of the Social Security Act; and Is homeless or at risk of becoming homeless at age 16 or older. New Explanations of Foster Adult and Foster Child Under the new rule, a foster adult is defined as a member of the household (but not a family member) who is 18 years or older and meets the definition of a foster adult under state law. State-level agencies define who is considered a foster adult/child, so the classification may vary from state to state. A foster child is defined as a member of the household (but not a family member) who meets the definition of a foster child under state law. Foster adults/children are not considered family members and must not be included in calculations of income for eligibility or rent determination purposes. However, foster adults/children are considered household members and must be included when determining unit size or subsidy standards. The definition of "dependent" has been revised to explicitly exclude foster adults/children. No dependent deduction is permitted for foster adults/children. Also, income earned by foster household members, payments received for the care of foster members, and expenses incurred related to foster members are not considered to be family income or expenses used in the determination of annual income. However, unreimbursed childcare expenses for foster children under 13 years of age may be deducted from annual income if those expenses are needed to enable a member of the family to work, look for work, or further their education. When a member of an assisted family is temporarily placed in foster care (as confirmed by the child welfare agency), the member is still counted as a family member in the unit from which they were removed. This means that a foster child or adult could be considered an assisted family member in one household while also being a foster member of another household and receiving consideration in both families voucher size and/or unit size. In essence, beginning in January 2024, foster adults and foster children will be treated the same as live-in aides for purposes of HUD housing and programs that must follow HUD rules in the determination of annual income.

HOTMA Changes to Deductions and Expenses for HUD Properties

Introduction The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has released Notice H 2013-10, which expands upon the Final Rule for implementing the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (HOTMA). The publication of this guidance in September 2023 outlined a number of changes to the rules relating to HUD-permitted deductions and expenses. Owners of HUD-assisted projects that determine rent based on adjusted income must consider mandatory deductions when determining a family s annual adjusted income. Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) may also consider additional deductions to a family s annual income if established by a written policy in the PHA s Admissions or Continued Occupancy Policy (ACOP) or Administrative Plan. Dependent Deduction Effective January 1, 2024, the dependent deduction amount is - as it has been - $480. This amount will be adjusted annually, beginning in 2025, and applies to a family s next annual or interim reexamination after the annual adjustment, whichever is sooner. Not later than September 1 of each year, HUD will publish an adjusted dependent deduction on its website. PHAs and owners will be required to implement the adjusted dependent deduction for all income reexaminations that are effective January 1 or later. Elderly/Disabled Family Deduction Effective January 1, 2024, the elderly/disabled family deduction increases from $400 to $525 and applies to a family s next annual or interim reexamination, whichever is sooner. This deduction will also be adjusted annually based on an inflation factor. Health & Medical/Disability Related Expenses In one of the most controversial changes to the current rules, the HOTMA final rule establishes that the sum of unreimbursed health and medical care and reasonable attendant care and auxiliary expenses that exceed 10 percent of the family s annual income can be deducted from annual income. The current threshold is 3 percent of annual income. This rule applies only to elderly or disabled families. In order to claim the deduction for disability-related costs, the family must include a person with a disability, and the expenses must enable any member of the family (including the disabled member) to be employed. Hardship Exemptions for Medical and Disability-Related Expenses HUD received many comments on the proposed rule relating to hardship exemptions for unreimbursed health and medical care, attendant care, auxiliary apparatus expenses, and childcare expenses. The final rule has been revised to provide clarity to these exemptions and ease burdens on families experiencing financial hardship. Medical/Disability Expenses Current regulations permit the deduction of medical expenses from annual income for elderly households if the expenses (1) will not be reimbursed by insurance or another source; and (2) when combined with any disability assistance expenses are in excess of three percent of annual income. The new regulation does not permit the deduction until the medical expenses exceed 10 percent of gross income. This will clearly have a negative impact on many elderly/disabled households. To help ease this burden, the final rule provides two types of hardship exemptions to the ten percent threshold for health and medical care expenses (for elderly and disabled families) and reasonable attendant care and auxiliary apparatus expenses (for families that include a person with disabilities). The first category ("phased in relief") is for families eligible for and taking the unreimbursed health and medical care expenses and reasonable attendant care and auxiliary apparatus expenses deduction in effect prior to this rule (i.e., the 3% rule). The second category ("general relief") is for families that can demonstrate that the family s health and medical care expenses or reasonable attendant care and auxiliary apparatus expenses increased, or the family s financial hardship is a result of a change in circumstances that would not otherwise trigger an interim reexamination.HUD is adding this second category in the final rule in recognition that the change from the three percent threshold to the new ten percent threshold for unreimbursed health and medical care expenses or reasonable attendant care and auxiliary apparatus expenses may result in financial hardship for families, including those families who were not receiving the deduction or may not even have been receiving housing assistance at the time the final rule goes into effect. These families may receive temporary hardship relief if their health and medical care expenses or reasonable attendant care and auxiliary apparatus expenses exceed five percent of the family s income. Under the first category (families taking the deduction based on the three percent rule), owners must deduct eligible expenses exceeding five percent of the family s income for the first year, 7.5% for the second year, and 10% for the third year. It should be noted that the term "year" refers to the certification year - not the calendar year. Under the second category, a family may qualify for hardship exemptions for health and medical care expenses or reasonable attendant care and auxiliary apparatus expenses if the family can demonstrate that the expenses increased, or the family s financial hardship is a result of a change in circumstances (as determined by the project owner). For these families, the deduction will be for expenses in excess of five percent of family income for up to 90 days. This may be extended for additional 90-day periods at the discretion of the owner, based on family circumstances. Owners may also terminate the hardship exemption if it is determined that the family no longer needs the exemption. Examples of circumstances constituting a financial hardship may include the following situations: The family is awaiting an eligibility determination for a federal, state, or local assistance program, such as a determination for unemployment compensation or disability benefits; The family s income decreased because of a loss of employment, the death of a family member, or due to a natural or federal/state-declared disaster; or Other circumstances as determined by the PHA/MFH Owner. In some circumstances, families receiving the deduction under the first category may request relief under the second category of hardship relief. During the second year of transition, the owner deducts expenses exceeding 7.5 percent of family income if relief is being obtained under the first category. If the family can demonstrate that the health and medical care expenses or reasonable attendant care and auxiliary apparatus expenses increased or the family s financial hardship is a result of a change in circumstances, and not just due to the transition to the 7.5% threshold, the family may be granted relief under the second category. In this case, expenses exceeding five percent of the family income will be deducted (instead of 7.5%). However, this relief will last only for 90 days (unless extended by the owner), and the family is no longer eligible for relief under the first category. In other words, at the end of the relief period for the second category, the family will be subject to the regular health and medical care expenses or reasonable attendant care and auxiliary apparatus expenses deduction threshold of ten percent, regardless of whether they fully transitioned to the ten percent threshold under the first category. Child Care Expense Deduction HUD regulations permit the deduction from annual income of any reasonable child-care expenses necessary to enable a family member to work or further their education. The expenses must be unreimbursed and must be for the care of a child age 12 and younger. Childcare Deduction Hardship Relief Under the final rule, property owners may extend a deduction for unreimbursed childcare expenses for 90 days, with extensions for additional 90-day periods if the family can demonstrate that they are unable to pay their rent due to loss of the childcare expense deduction, and the childcare expense is still necessary even though the family member is no longer employed or furthering his or her education. The following example illustrates how this relief could work: A family that was claiming the childcare deduction no longer qualifies because the care is no longer necessary to enable a family member to work or go to school. The family member who was employed had to leave their job in order to provide uncompensated care to an elderly friend who is very ill and lives across town. The family may continue to claim the childcare deduction for 90 days, with 90-day extensions as approved by the owner. Hardship Policy Requirements Owners must establish policies on how they define what constitutes a hardship. Some factors to consider when determining if a family is unable to pay rent may include a determination that the rent, utility payment, and applicable expenses (child care or health/disability expenses) are more than 45 percent (for example) of the family s adjusted income, or verifying whether the family has experienced unexpected expenses, such as large medical bills, that have impacted their ability to pay rent. Owners are required to notify families of either approval or denial of hardship exemptions. Notices of hardship exemption approval must inform the family of the dates that the exemption will begin and expire and the requirement for the family to report if the circumstances that made the family eligible for relief are no longer applicable. Owners of hardship exemption denial must state the reason for the denial. The 90-Day Extensions Owners may extend hardship relief for as many 90-day periods as the hardship continues to affect the family. Policies for extensions of relief must be included in PHA Administrative Plans and Owner Tenant Selection Plans. Owners must obtain third-party verification of the family s inability to pay rent or must document in the file the reason that third-party verification was not available. Owners must attempt to obtain third-party verification prior to the end of the 90-day period. In conclusion, the adjustments to HUD regulations as delineated in Notice H 2013-10 reflect a concerted effort to modernize and improve the process of determining adjusted income for HUD-assisted families. While the increase in the threshold for medical and disability deductions may initially pose challenges for elderly and disabled households, the provision of phased and general hardship exemptions showcases HUD's commitment to a compassionate transition. The annual adjustments to dependent and elderly/disabled family deductions, along with the specific provisions for hardship exemptions, are designed to ensure that the most vulnerable populations continue to receive the support they need. By establishing clear guidelines and relief procedures, HUD aims to provide equitable opportunities for housing while addressing the complexities of financial hardship. As these changes roll out, it will be crucial for public housing agencies, owners, and families to stay informed and engaged with the evolving landscape of housing assistance to navigate these changes successfully.

A. J. Johnson to Host Live Webinar on LIHTC Acquisition/Rehab Issues

A. J. Johnson will be conducting a 1.5-hour webinar on December 20, 2023, on Critical Issues Relating to the Acquisition and rehabilitation of LIHTC properties. The Webinar will be held at 1:00 PM Eastern Time. This 1.5-hour session focuses on the issues that are critical to the success of any LIHTC acquisition/rehab project. The training focuses on tenant qualification, unit qualification, and first-year credit delivery. There will be a full discussion of determining the first-year applicable fraction, differentiating between the acquisition credit and rehab credit, transferring households between units during rehab, temporary relocation, the timing of resident qualifications, the meaning of the "safe-harbor" rule, re-syndication and previously qualified households, and 8609 issues. Those interested in participating in the Webinar may register on the A. J. Johnson Consulting Services website ( under "Training."

HUD Provides Additional Guidance on HOTMA Rules Regarding Calculation of Income

Introduction The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has released Notice H 2013-10, which expands upon the Final Rule for implementing the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (HOTMA). The publication of this guidance in September 2023 seeks to clarify aspects concerning the calculation of income for the purposes of determining eligibility and continued occupancy in HUD-assisted housing. Clarifications for Income Calculations HUD's Notice introduces detailed procedures for income calculation during both new admissions and interim reexaminations. Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) and Multi-Family Housing (MFH) owners must calculate household income based on anticipated earnings over the next 12 months for these assessments, a method that aligns with pre-HOTMA practices. Revisions for Annual Recertifications The Final Rule incorporates significant changes to the process of annual income recertification. Property owners now have the flexibility to employ a "safe harbor" verification method, leveraging income determinations from other federal means-tested programs as a valid form of verification for gross annual income. When streamlined or safe harbor approaches are not utilized, the actual income from the prior 12 months will serve as the basis for recalculating tenant rental assistance. Any changes in income, regardless of their nature, must be taken into account. Three-Step Determination Process The procedure for establishing the previous year's income for recertification purposes involves: Determining the annual income: This involves reviewing the EIV Income Report, prior HUD forms, and family certifications to establish a baseline figure. Considering interim reexaminations: In instances where interim reexaminations have occurred, the resultant annual income figure from these should be used unless further changes in income necessitate a reevaluation. Adjusting for reported changes: If families report income changes not captured during the last reexamination, current income data should be employed. Documentation and Verification Hierarchy HUD outlines a verification hierarchy to establish accuracy in income reporting, with the Electronic Income Verification (EIV) system at its pinnacle. The hierarchy descends from written third-party verifications to self-certification, with a deep dive into acceptable verifications planned for a future article. Incorporation of Social Security COLA The HUD Notice requires that the Social Security Administration's annual cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) be included in income calculations immediately after their announcement, affecting all reexaminations scheduled for January 1st or later of the following year. Handling De Minimis Errors The Notice also addresses minor, or de minimis, errors in income calculation, where discrepancies do not exceed $30 per month. Such minor inaccuracies will not lead to compliance findings against owners during reviews. However, owners are responsible for correcting even these small errors retroactively and adjusting tenant rent accordingly. Conclusion With this additional guidance, HUD has streamlined the process for calculating household income, thus simplifying compliance for PHAs and property owners. The Notice places a strong emphasis on accuracy and fairness in income determination, ensuring that families receive the correct level of assistance while minimizing errors and their subsequent impact.

HOTMA Required Revisions to Tenant Selection Plans and EIV Policies and Procedures

On October 2, 2023, HUD published a list of Discretionary Policies the owners participating in HUD Multifamily Housing Programs must set in Tenant Selection Plans (TSPs) and EIV Policies and Procedures. These documents must be updated by March 31, 2024. HOTMA Provision: De Minimis Errors in Income Determinations.Required HOTMA Policy: Owners must take corrective action to credit or repay a family if the family was overcharged tenant rent because of de minimis errors (no more than $360 annually) in calculating family income. If a family is undercharged for rent due to an owner miscalculation of income, families may not be required to repay. Owner s Discretionary Policies: Owners must include in the TSP how they will repay or credit a family the amount that the family was overcharged retroactive to the effective date of the action for which the error was made, regardless of the dollar amount associated with the error. Self-Certification of Net Family Assets Equal to or Less Than $50,000 (adjusted annually for inflation).Required HOTMA Policy: Owners must determine if the family s total net family assets are equal to or less than $50,000, and they must determine the actual income earned from the assets. Owner s Discretionary Policies: (1) Owners may accept a family s self-certification of net family assets if the assets are no more than $50,000 and anticipated income earned from assets without taking additional steps to verify accuracy, at admission and reexamination; (2) Accepting a family s self-certification at admission may reduce the initial burden on applicants and speed up the lease-up process. In deciding whether to accept a self-certification of assets at admission, Owners are encouraged to consider the local needs and priorities in their communities along with the potential risks of accepting self-certification of assets, including the requirement to repay funds for participants/tenants who are later found to be ineligible for assistance; (3) Owners who choose to accept self-certification of assets of no more than $50,000 at reexamination are required to fully verify net family assets every three years; (4) Owners who choose not to accept self-certification must verify net family assets every year (5) Owners must include in their TSPs whether they will accept a family s self-certification of assets of $50,000 or less at admission (only for new admissions effective on or after 1/1/24) and/or at reexamination. Hardship Exemptions for Health/Medical Care Expenses & Reasonable Attendant Care & Auxiliary Apparatus Expenses (General Relief):Required HOTMA Policy: (1) Owners must provide hardship relief to any family that demonstrates its eligible health and medical care expenses, or disability-related expenses exceed 5% of the family s annual income; (2) An increase in medical or disability-related expenses constitutes a qualifying eligibility factor so long as it exceeds 5% of the family s annual income; (3) to meet the requirement for a medical expense hardship exemption, the family s expenses must qualify as medical expenses under HUD regulation; and (4) to meet the requirements for a disability related exemption, the family s disability related expenses must meet the HUD definition of a disability related expense. Owner s Discretionary Policies: (1) Owners must develop written policies in their TSPs defining the changes in circumstances that are required for a family to qualify for a hardship exemption. These are hardships that would not otherwise trigger an interim reexamination; (2) Owners may extend the hardship relief for one or more 90-day intervals, while the family s hardship condition exists; and (3) Owners must state in the TSP whether hardship exemption extensions are allowable, and the maximum number of 90-day extensions (if establishing a maximum policy) families may receive.Note - MFH owners are not limited by HUD to a maximum number of 90-day extensions. Third-party verification of the hardship is required of the file must be documented as to why third-party verification was not available. Attempts to obtain verification must be obtained prior to the end of the 90-day period. Hardship Exemptions for Health/Medical Care Expenses & Reasonable Attendant Care & Auxiliary Apparatus Expenses (Phased-in Relief):Required HOTMA Policy: (1) All families who received a deduction for medical or disability-related expenses based on their most recent income review prior to January 1, 2024, will begin receiving the 24-month phased-in relief at their next annual or interim reexamination, whichever occurs first on or after the date the MFH Owner complies with HOTMA. (2) Families who receive phased-in relief will have eligible expenses deducted as follows: (i) First 12 months: in excess of 5% of annual income; (ii) second 12 months: in excess of 7.5% of annual income; and (iii) after 24 months: in excess of 10% threshold will phase in and remain in effect unless the family qualifies for General Relief. (3) Once a family chooses to obtain general relief, a family may no longer receive the phased-in relief. Owner s Discretionary Policy: MFH Owners may continue the phased-in relief for a new admission who was receiving the phased-in relief at their prior assisted housing at the time that the family was admitted to their current unit. This discretion should be stated in the TSP. For example, a family is admitted to a new MFH property, but they would have still been receiving the 24-month phased-in hardship exemption had they continued to reside in their previous unit at a different MFH property. Owners may establish a policy to continue the phased-in hardship exemption for the family s remaining months in the 24-month phase-in period. Hardship Exemption to Continue Child Care Expense Hardship:Required HOTMA Policy: (1) MFH Owners must develop written policies to define what constitutes a hardship, which includes the family s inability to pay rent, for the purposes of the childcare expense hardship exemption. (2) Owners must include this policy in the TSP. (3) Owners must obtain third-party verification of the family s inability to pay rent or must document in the file the reason third-party verification was not available. Owners must attempt to obtain third-party verification prior to the end of the 90-day period. Owner s Discretionary Policy: (1) Owners may, pursuant to their own discretionary policies, extend the hardship relief for one or more additional 90-day periods while the family s hardship condition continues. (2) Owners must include in their TSP whether they will permit extensions of the 90-day hardship period and the maximum number of 90-day extension periods (if establishing a maximum policy) that a family may receive. Note: Owners are not limited by HUD to a maximum number of 90-day extensions. Interim Reexaminations - Decreases in Adjusted Income:Required HOTMA Policy: (1) Owners are required by HUD to process interim reexaminations for all decreases in adjusted income when a family permanently moves out of a unit. (2) Owners are not permitted to establish a dollar figure threshold amount instead of a percentage threshold of less than 10 percent. Owner s Discretionary Policy: (1) Owners may decline to conduct an interim reexamination of family income if the Owner estimates that the family s adjusted annual income will decrease by an amount that is less than ten percent of the family s annual adjusted income, or such lower threshold established by the Owner. (2) Owners must identify in their TSPs the percentage threshold they will use for conducting interim reexamination for decreases in a family s adjusted income. (3) Owners may establish policies to round calculated percentage decreases up or down to the nearest unit (e.g., a calculated decrease of 9.5% may be rounded up to 10%). Interim Reexaminations - Increases in Adjusted Income:Required HOTMA Policy: (1)Owners must conduct an interim reexamination of family income when they become aware that the family s annual adjusted income has changed by an amount that would result in an estimated increase of ten percent or more in annual adjusted income or another amount established through HUD notice, except Owners may not consider any increases in earned income when estimating or calculating whether the family s adjusted income has increased unless the family has previously received an interim reduction during the same reexamination cycle. (2) Owners may not establish a different threshold to conduct interim reexaminations for increases in adjusted income. Owner s Discretionary Policy: (1) Owners may choose not to conduct an interim reexamination if a family reports an increase in income within three months of their next annual reexamination effective date. (2) Owners may choose not to include earned income increases in determining whether the ten percent threshold is met in adjusted income when the family previously had an interim reexamination performed for a decrease in annual adjusted income (earned, unearned, or combined) since the last annual reexamination. (3) Owners must describe these policies in their TSPs. Interim Reexaminations - Reporting Changes & Effective Date:Required HOTMA Policy: (1) Families must report household composition changes and changes to adjusted income consistent with HOTMA s requirements; however, Owners determine the timeframe in which reporting must occur to be considered "timely." (2) If the Owner has adopted a retroactive rent decrease policy, it may not be applied prior to the later of:The 1st of the month following the date of the actual decrease in income; orThe 1st of the month following the most recent previous income examination.Note - Owners must clearly communicate to the family how a retroactive adjustment will affect the family s responsibility for rent. Owner s Discretionary Policy: (1) Owners must develop policies that describe when and under what conditions families must report changes in household composition and adjusted income consistent with HUD s requirements for processing interims or other non-interim reexamination transactions. (2) Owners have the discretion to develop specific reporting policies that describe which changes must be reported and the timeline for reporting the change to be considered timely. (3) Owners may adopt a policy to apply rent decreases retroactively and establish additional criteria to describe the conditions under which retroactive decreases will be applied. (4) Owners must describe these policies in their TSPs. Revocation of Consent Form (Revocation of consent or refusal to sign the consent form prohibits the owner from requesting and accessing  income information and financial records, including pulling any EIV reports and using EIV data to verify income):Required HOTMA Policy: (1) An executed consent form will remain effective until the family is denied assistance, the assistance is terminated, or the family provides written notification to the Owner to revoke consent. (2) Families have the right to revoke consent by notice to the Owner; however, revoking consent can result in termination or denial of assistance if the Owner has established an admission and occupancy policy that the revocation of consent will result in termination of assistance or denial of admission. (3) Owners may not process interim or annual reexaminations of income, including when a family s income decreases and the family requests an interim reexamination to decrease tenant rent, without the family s executed consent form(s). (4) Owners must explain to families the consequences, if any, of revoking their consent. (5) Owners must notify their local HUD office when an applicant or participant family member revokes their consent. Owner s Discretionary Policy: (1) Owners may establish in a written policy that revocation of consent will result in termination of assistance or denial of admission. (2) When Owners do not establish a policy such that revoking consent will result in termination of assistance, participant families will be required to sign a new consent form by the next regularly scheduled reexamination or interim reexamination, whichever occurs first. (3) Owners may establish policies to deny admission but allow existing participant families to continue to receive assistance after revoking their consent until the next interim or annual reexamination, whichever is sooner. (4) Owners must describe these policies in their TSPs. Determination of Family Income Using Other Means-Tested Public Assistance, i.e., "Safe Harbor:"Required HOTMA Policy:(1) Owners may determine the family s income prior to the application of any deductions based on income determinations made within the previous 12-month period for purposes of the following means-tested forms of Federal public assistance:The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Block Grant ("TANF").Medicaid.The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program ("SNAP").The Earned Income Tax Credit.The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit.The Special Supplemental Nutrition for Women, Infants, and Children ("WIC").Other programs administered through HUD.Other means-tested forms of Federal public assistance for which HUD has established a memorandum of understanding.Other Federal benefit determinations made by other means-tested Federal programs that the HUD Secretary determines to have comparable reliability and announces through a Federal Register Notice.(2) Owners are not required to accept or use determinations of income from other Federal means-tested forms of assistance.(3) Safe Harbor verification must be obtained by means of third-party verification and must state the family size, must be for the entire family (i.e., the family members listed in the documentation must match the family s composition in the assisted unit, except for household members) and must state the amount of the family s income.(4) Safe Harbor verification must not be mixed and matched with other income verifications, including other Safe Harbor income determinations. Owner s Discretionary Policy: (1) Owners that choose to implement Safe Harbor income determinations must:Establish in a written policy when they will accept Safe Harbor income determinations (e.g., at reexamination only or at admission and reexamination), including which programs from which they will accept income determinations; andCreate policies that outline the course of action when families present multiple verifications from the same or different Safe Harbor programs (e.g., Owners could establish policies to accept the most recent income determination). Owners must describe these policies in their TSPs. Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) Usage:Required HOTMA Policy: (1) MFH Owners must use HUD s EIV system in its entirety. (2) Owners must update their EIV policies and procedures to reflect their discretionary use of EIV reports (e.g., Income Report, zero Income reports, New Hires Report, etc.) under HOTMA. Owner s Discretionary Policy: (1) Owners are not required to use EIV during interim reexaminations. (2) Owners who adopt policies to not include earned income increases in determining whether the 10 percent threshold is met for increases in adjusted income when the family previously had an interim reexamination performed for a decrease in annual adjusted income (earned, unearned, or combined) since the last annual reexamination, are not required to use the EIV New Hires report between annual reexaminations. (3) Owners who have a policy to consider earned income increases in calculating whether the ten percent threshold has been met for an interim reexamination are required to review the EIV New Hires report at least quarterly, for the remainder of the reexamination period after the interim reexamination to decrease rent occurs. (4) Owners are not required to use the Income Report at annual reexamination if they use Safe Harbor verification to determine the family s income. (5) Owners are not required to use EIV Income Discrepancy Report at annual reexamination if they used Safe Harbor verification to determine the family s income at the last reexamination. (6) Owners must describe these policies in their EIV policies and procedures. Bottom Line As outlined in this article, MFH owners have a good deal of discretion regarding the implementation of a number of HOTMA provisions. Important discretion exists with regard to (1) Self-Certification of family assets; (2) Hardship exemptions for medical and disability-related expenses, as well as child care expenses; (3) the handling of interim reexaminations; (4) Means tested determination of family income {i.e., the "Safe Harbor"}; and (5) use of EIV. Owners who wish to apply any of these discretionary measures must ensure that such policies are reflected in Tenant Selection Plans (TSPs) and EIV Policies and Procedures no later than March 31, 2024.

A. J. Johnson to Offer Live Webinar on Interviewing Skills for Affordable Housing Managers

A. J. Johnson will be conducting a webinar on December 6, 2023, on Interviewing Skills for Affordable Housing Managers.  The Webinar will be held from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM Eastern time. One of the most important skills any affordable housing manager can possess is the ability to interview applicants and residents and obtain the information required to determine eligibility - this is also one of the greatest weaknesses of most affordable housing managers. This training has been developed to address that weakness. This three-hour session focuses on the interview process and provides concepts and tools that will aid managers as they conduct their interviews. Techniques apply to all interview settings including initial eligibility interviews, interim certifications, and annual recertifications. The primary emphasis is on the initial eligibility interview since it is so critical to the housing process. The skills taught during this session will also assist managers in detecting fraud and dealing with third parties when resolving discrepancies. Those interested in participating in the Webinar may register on the A. J. Johnson Consulting Services website ( under "Training Schedule."

HOTMA Adds New Income Exclusions

HOTMA Adds New Income Exclusions for Affordable Housing Projects Introduction In February 2023, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) published the Final Rule implementing the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (HOTMA). Subsequently, on September 29, 2023, HUD released Notice H 2013-10, offering additional guidance and clarifications regarding the implementation of the Final Rule. Among the many changes, HUD has added a number of new income exclusions, impacting a broad spectrum of HUD-assisted properties, projects under the Rural Housing Service Section 515 program, the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program, and properties with Tax-Exempt Bonds. This article will delve into the essential changes in income exclusions that affordable housing managers must acquaint themselves with. Note: This article does not address all income exclusions listed in 24 CFR 5.609(b), but only those that are newly added or updated by the final rule. Nonrecurring Income The nonrecurring income exclusion replaces the former exclusion for temporary, nonrecurring, and sporadic income (including gifts), but it provides a narrower definition of excluded income in contrast to the former broad exclusion of temporary, nonrecurring, or sporadic income. Income that will not be repeated beyond the coming year (i.e., the 12 months following the effective date of the certification), based on information provided by the family, is considered nonrecurring income and is excluded from annual income. However, income received as an independent contractor, day laborer, or seasonal worker is not excluded from income, even if the source, date, or amount of income varies. Income that has a specific end date and will not be repeated beyond the coming year during the family s upcoming annual reexamination period will be excluded from a family s annual income as nonrecurring income. This does not include unemployment income and other types of periodic payments that are received at regular intervals (such as weekly, monthly, or yearly) for a period of greater than one year that can be extended. For example, an increasing number of cities and states are piloting guaranteed income programs that have discreet beginning and end dates. This income can be excluded as nonrecurring in the final year of the pilot program. For example, for an annual reexamination effective 2/2/24, guaranteed income that will be repeated in the coming year but will end before the next reexamination on 2/1/25 will be fully excluded from annual income. Income amounts excluded under this category may include but are not limited to, nonrecurring payments made to the family or to a third party on behalf of the family to assist with utilities, eviction prevention, security deposits to secure housing, payments for participation in research studies depending on the duration, and general one-time payments received by or on behalf of the family. Following are examples of income that may be excluded: Payments from the U.S. Census Bureau for employment lasting no longer than 180 days and not culminating in permanent employment; Direct federal or state economic stimulus payments; Amounts directly received by the family as a result of state refundable tax credits or state tax refunds at the time they are received; Amounts directly received by the family as a result of federal refundable tax credits or federal tax refunds at the time they are received; Gifts for holidays, birthdays, or other significant life events or milestones (e.g., wedding, baby shower, or anniversary gifts); In-kind donations (e.g., food, clothing, or toiletries received from a food bank or similar organization); Lump-sum additions to net family assets (e.g., lottery winnings, contest winnings, etc.); Income of Live-in Aides, Foster Children, and Foster Adults (note that the exclusion of income for foster children and adults is a change from current regulation); Payments received for the care of Foster Children or Adults or State or Tribal Kinship or Guardianship Care Payments; Insurance payments or settlements for personal or property losses, including but not limited to payments under health insurance, motor vehicle insurance, and workers compensation (note that periodic payments paid at regular intervals (such as weekly, monthly, or yearly) for a period of greater than one year that are received in lieu of wages for workers compensation continue to be included in annual income; Amounts recovered in a civil action or settlement based on a claim of malpractice, negligence, or other breach of duty that resulted in a member of the family becoming disabled. Such funds are excluded whether received periodically or in a lump sum; Veterans Regular Aid and Attendance payments made to veterans. This exclusion applies only to veterans and not to surviving spouses or other beneficiaries; Home-based care payments for a disabled family member. The payments are excluded from income as long as the amounts are provided to enable a disabled family member to remain in the unit. Both the person providing the care and the disabled person must be family members (not household members) and must live in the same household; Replacement housing "gap" payments are made under the Uniform Relocation Act (URA) as long as the payments cover actual increased out-of-pocket costs of rent and utilities. PHAs/Owners may accept a self-certification from the family stating that the income will not be repeated during the coming year. Student Financial Assistance The treatment of student financial assistance depends on the HUD program, student/household characteristics, and the type of financial assistance received by the student. The student financial assistance rules apply to both full-time and part-time students. Student financial assistance to be excluded includes, Amounts received under Section 479B of the Higher Education Act (HEA) of 1965, as amended, includingFederal Pell Grants;Teach Grants;Federal Work Study Programs;Federal Perkins Loans;Student financial assistance received under the Bureau of Indian Education;Higher Education Tribal Grant;Tribally Controlled Colleges or Universities Grant Program; and Employment Training Program under Section 134 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Other Student Financial Assistance, including grants or scholarships received from the following sources:The Federal government;A State (including U.S. territories), Tribe, or local government;A private foundation registered as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit;A business entity (such as a corporation, general partnership, LLC, LP, joint venture, business trust, public benefit corporation, or nonprofit entity); or An institution of higher education. Student financial assistance does not include -Financial support provided to the student in the form of a fee for services performed (e.g., a work-study or teaching fellowship that is not excluded under the HEA; or Gifts, including gifts from family or friends. Other than funds excluded under the HEA, all student financial assistance must pay for actual educational expenses. Actual covered costs include tuition, books, supplies, room and board, and fees required and charged to a student by an institution of higher education. For a student who is not the head, co-head, or spouse, actual covered costs also include the reasonable and actual costs of housing while attending school and not residing in the assisted unit. The only situation in which HEA assistance is not automatically excluded from income is in the case of a Section 8 household during years in which a HUD appropriations act specifically requires that educational assistance in excess of actual educational costs be included in income for Section 8 households. In such years, all educational expenses in excess of actual cost will be included in income - including assistance that is part of the HEA. However, in such years, for students who are over the age of 23 with dependent children, the HEA assistance will be excluded. Conclusion The exclusions noted in this article apply to all affordable housing programs that are required to follow HUD rules when determining annual income. This includes not only projects with HUD assistance but also LIHTC properties, Rural Development Section 515 projects, Tax-Exempt Bond Projects, Housing Trust Fund Projects, and HOME projects (in most cases). Owners and managers operating properties under these programs should familiarize themselves with these new income rules and be prepared to put them into effect on January 1, 2024.

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