Project’s using Federal or State financing are generally required to use approved fair housing logos on all signage and advertising. However, the use of the logos on any housing advertising – regardless of the source of financing or whether rental assistance is used – can help keep a property out of trouble from a fair housing standpoint. There are three types of fair housing symbols and statements that are acceptable as a stated commitment to fair housing – the Fair Housing Logo, Fair Housing Statement, and Fair Housing Slogan.
Fair Housing Logo
The Fair Housing Logo (the little house with the “equal” symbol inside) may be used in any type of ad. When used in space or box advertising, the logo should meet the following size requirements:
• Ad size of 1⁄2 page or more: logo size 2”x 2”;
• Ad size of 1/8 – 1⁄2 page: logo size 1”x 1”; and
• Ad size less than 1/8 page: logo size 1⁄2”x 1/2”
If other logos are used in the ad, the fair housing logo should be no smaller than the largest of the other logos used.
Fair Housing Statement
A Fair Housing Statement may be used in any ad, with or without the Fair Housing logo. The statement should occupy 3-5% of the total ad space. An example of a Fair Housing Statement would be:
“We believe in and follow all laws relating to the provision of equal opportunity for all persons in the provision of housing. We do not discriminate in the provision of housing based on Race, Color, Religion, Sex, National Origin, Familial Status, or Handicap.”
When state or local law contains other protected classes not noted above (such as source of income, sexual orientation, marital status, etc.), those classes should be included in the statement.
Fair Housing Slogan
The Fair Housing Slogan – “Equal Housing Opportunity” – may be used in very small ads where the logo may not be appropriate or possible, such as ads that are less than four column inches long.