HUD Issues Correction Regarding VAWA Model Forms

A few days ago I sent a memo to clients regarding the availability of four model VAWA forms on HUD’s web page. Those forms are now available on HUDClips.

The forms are:

  • Notice of Occupancy Rights Under VAWA;
  • Model Emergency Transfer Plan;
  • Certification of Domestic Violence; and
  • Emergency Transfer Request.


HUD has also corrected the date by which owners/agents must provide the Notice of Occupancy Rights and Certification form to applicants when assistance is being denied or at the time the new household moves into the property. HUD had originally stated that date as December 16, 2017; it should be December 16, 2016.

Also, beginning on December 16, 2016, O/As must provide the Notification of Occupancy Rights and Certification form with any notification of eviction or termination of assistance.

O/As are required to develop and implement an Emergency Transfer Plan by June 14, 2017, and should use the Departmental Emergency Transfer Plan form as a guide.

O/As may require tenants seeking an emergency transfer to provide a written Emergency transfer request. To make this process easier, O/As may provide the Departmental Request for to tenants.

Multifamily housing will be updating the Lease Addendum form, HUD-91067 in the future. In the meantime, O/As may continue to use the current form.

All O/As operating properties under HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing should download the model documents noted above and begin the implementation process, keeping in mind the June 14, 2017 deadline for the Emergency Transfer Plan.
