HUD Issues COVID-19 Suspensions and Waivers for HOME Program

On April 10, 2020, HUD issued guidance regarding suspension and waivers for requirements for the HOME program as a result of COVID-19. The memorandum authorized HOME participating jurisdictions (PJs) to use HOME tenant-based rental assistance (TBRA) funds to facilitate urgent housing assistance to families experience financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The memorandum allows PJs to use HOME funds for rental assistance to individuals and families experiencing financial hardship as a result of the pandemic, including (1) providing immediate rental assistance to individuals and families seeking housing, (2) assisting households that have housing but face reduced or lost wages, and (3) assisting existing families with TBRA with additional assistance due to reduced or lost wages.

Prior to using this authority, a PJ must notify the local HUD Field Office of its intent to do so, identifying which suspensions or waivers the PJ plans to use.

HUD Community Planning & Development (CPD) Field Offices shall inform PJs of the availability of these suspensions and waivers. PJs should also obtain a copy of the Memorandum of April 10.

Note: this guidance applies only to Participating Jurisdictions. It does not apply in any way to individual property owners with HOME funds.
