HUD Secretary Announces Increase in REAC Inspections

On April 23, 2021, HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge announced that effective June 1, 2021, HUD will substantially increase housing inspections for properties subject to REAC.

Within a few days – as early as this week – HUD will formally notify properties to begin scheduling inspections. REAC will conduct inspections using protocols developed by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC). In addition, HUD will provide properties with more than the regular 14-day notice of REAC inspections in order to give PHAs, owners, and property managers adequate time to prepare.

For the Housing Choice Voucher program, HUD will extend current alternative requirements around housing quality standards inspections for properties and units under this program to balance the goal of helping households obtain housing quickly while ensuring that units meet quality standards.

The HUD approach will include facilitating COVID-19 vaccine access to inspectors and PHA staff as well as to residents.

Properties that are subject to REAC inspections and that had scores below 60 for their most recent REAC inspection should expect to be given high priority in this expanded effort to re-start the REAC inspection process.
