HUD Adds Income Exclusion for Veterans Disability for HUD-VASH Participants – IRS Adopts for LIHTC

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) published a Notice in the August 13, 2024, Federal Register announcing policy changes to the Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) program to improve access for veterans experiencing homelessness.

Homeless veterans often receive disability benefits as a result of disabilities that were acquired or made worse during military service. Before this change, such benefits were considered income for HUD programs, causing some veterans to exceed the income limits for specific assisted housing programs. HUD is expanding access to these programs by adding five new policies to the HUD-VASH program:

  1. Initial income eligibility will now be set at 80% of the area median income rather than 50% as in the past. While this higher limit has been optional for agencies participating in the HUD-VASH program, it is now mandatory.
  2. Service-connected disability benefits are now excluded from income. Presently, this income is excluded only from the HUD-VASH program but is likely to be adopted by other housing subsidy programs (as discussed below, the IRS has adopted it for the LIHTC program).
  3. Local agencies will no longer have to compete for HUD-VASH project-based awards if all units in a project serve HUD-VASH families at a VA facility.
  4. Up to 140 percent of the Fair Market Rent may be allowed as a reasonable accommodation for a person with a disability, but only with HUD approval.
  5. PHAs may establish a zero minimum rent policy for HUD-VASH units.

IRS Revenue Procedure Adopts Income Exclusion for the LIHTC Program

On September 24, 2024, the IRS issued Revenue Procedure 2024-38, providing the same income exclusion for LIHTC and Tax-Exempt Bond properties. It should be noted that the exclusion only applies to tenants receiving assistance under the HUD-VASH program. It does not apply to LIHTC or tax-exempt bond residents who do not receive assistance under the HUD-VASH program. Operators of LIHTC or Tax-Exempt Bond properties should also note that the programs’ income limits have not changed, so a HUD-VASH recipient may not income qualify for the LIHTC or Tax-Exempt Bond Program if they qualify at the new 80% HUD limit.

Effective immediately, all projects with tenants assisted by the HUD-VASH program will exclude the total amount of any VA disability benefits received by those applicants or residents.

Managers of LIHTC or Tax-Exempt Bond properties serving tenants with vouchers should request information from local PHAs regarding whether the vouchers are being provided under the HUD-VASH program. If so, any VA disability income should be excluded.
