Posts by A. J. Johnson

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Understanding Military Income and Allowances

I get many questions from managers regarding how to deal with and verify income for members of the military. Understanding the military pay system is confusing even for those in the military; it can be impossible for persons not familiar…

Employee Unit Rent

As I indicated in a memo I sent to clients on November 7, 2014, the IRS will not consider the charging of rent or utilities for employee or security officer units to be an audit issue. This position is stated…

Davis-Bacon Requirements for Project Based Vouchers

HUD issued a Notice in the March 9, 2015 Federal Register providing further guidance on when Davis-Bacon wage requirements may apply to existing housing developments. This guidance relates to the final rule published by HUD on June 25, 2014 amending…

2015 Income Limits

On March 6, 2015, HUD published the 2014 income limits for HUD programs as well as for the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit and Tax-Exempt Bond programs. The limits for the LIHTC and Bond projects are published separately from the limits…

Update of Housing Trust Fund – February 18, 2015

As I noted in an earlier article, HUD has published interim regulations regarding how the Housing Trust Fund (HTF) program will be administered when funds are made available (hopefully in 2016). A final rule is anticipated before Summer 2015. Developers…

Poverty Guidelines Published by HHS – Income Limits to Follow

On January 22, 2015, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services published the 2015 Poverty Guidelines in the Federal Register. These guidelines are used to determine financial eligibility for certain federal programs, including HUD Subsidized housing programs. HUD had…

E-Book on LIHTC Compliance Now Available

As you well know, the federal low-income housing tax credit program is complicated. Staying in compliance with all of the program’s rules – and successfully interpreting the gray areas – is essential for all of the players involved in projects:…

Documents to Retain for LIHTC Projects

Documents to Retain for Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Projects   In September 2014, the IRS published the Audit Guide for Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Projects. This guide is intended to assist IRS agents during an examination of a Section 42…

Emergency Call Systems – HUD Guidance, October 31, 2014

Many owners and managers of HUD assisted properties have reported inconsistent guidance from HUD with regard to the type of emergency call systems required for elderly multifamily projects. It has been reported that in some cases, HUD staff have instructed…

Importance of Regular Review of Company Handbooks & Policies

Many property management companies create operations and compliance handbooks and policies to assist staff in understanding the company’s operational procedures. Once completed, the handbooks and policies are rarely (if ever) reviewed and updated. A periodic audit of a company’s employment…

Medical Marijuana as a Reasonable Accommodation

Forest City Residential Management v. Beasley, December 2014.   In one of the first major cases relating to whether the use of medically prescribed marijuana must be permitted as a reasonable accommodation, a Michigan district court has ruled that such…

Waiting List Administration; HUD Notice H 2014-16

HUD issued Notice H 2014-16 on November 28, 2014 to provide guidance on the administration of waiting lists for HUD multifamily housing properties.   The Notice provides no new requirements, but does provide additional options for waiting list administration. Owners…

2014 Year End Legislative Efforts

As always, the end of the year brings intense legislative activity in Washington. Recent actions affecting housing include the following:   House Tax Extender Package The House passed the Tax Increase Prevention Act of 2014 on December 3, which will…

New Staff Member for A. J. Johnson Consulting

It is with great pleasure that I announce the addition of a new full time staff member to A. J. Johnson Consulting Services, Inc. Effective February 1, 2015, Linda Moss will be joining us as a Compliance Analyst.   We…

Disaster Relief Rules – IRS Revenue Notice 2014-49

Disaster Relief Rules   Revenue Procedure 2014-49 This IRS Revenue Procedure provides temporary relief from certain requirements of §42 of the Internal Revenue Code (the LIHTC Program) for Agencies and owners if certain areas have been impacted by a major…

“Indepent Living” Requirement Discriminatory

As if to put an exclamation point on its’ requirement that the ability to live independently not be a condition of apartment living, HUD has reached a conciliation agreement with Huntington Management, operators of five “independent living” properties known as…

HUD Stiffens Tenant Appeal Process Regarding Tenant Organizations

On September 14, 2014, HUD issued Notice H 2014-12 (Implementation of Tenant Participation Requirements in Accordance with 24 CFR Part 245). This Notice outlines available sanctions and monetary penalties as enforcement mechanisms when owners and managers violate HUD requirements relative…

Citi Bank Loan Program

Developers looking to put together LIHTC deals in California, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, Delaware, Washington DC, and Florida have a new financing option available to them.   Citi Bank has released guidance for its new affordable rental-housing program – The…

Social Security COLA Announced

The federal government announced on October 22, 2014 that the Social Security Cost of Live Adjustment (COLA) for 2015 will be 1.7%. This will increase the monthly pension for the average retired worker by $22 per month. This is up from…