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Definitions and Terminology Relating to VAWA 2013

On November 16, 2017, I sent a memo to clients informing them of the publication of the HUD Final Rule implementing the changes to the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Over the next few weeks, I will send a series…

Applicability of Final VAWA Rule

On November 16, 2017, I sent a memo to clients informing them of the publication of the HUD Final Rule implementing the changes to the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Over the next few weeks, I will post a series…

Occupancy Standards – Recommendations and Best Practices

All communities should have occupancy standards to prevent overcrowding of units. In the case of federally assisted properties, the standards should also prevent underutilization of space.   A primary goal of any occupancy standard should be to ensure that it…

HUD Final Rule on VAWA – November 16, 2016

The U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) final rule regarding the implementation of housing protections authorized in the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA) was published in the Federal Register on November 16, 2016.   In…

Participation of Faith-Based Organizations in HUD Programs

I received a call recently regarding the rights of a faith-based organization operating an apartment community when HUD funding is present at the community. The issue is important enough that I believe other clients may benefit from a general review…

HUD Notice H 2016-10; Reminder of Lead-Based Paint Requirements

On October 3, 2016, HUD published Notice H 2016-10, Reminder of Requirements Pertaining to Lead-Based Paint Inspection and Disclosure Forms, and Notification of Upcoming Inspections.   As stated in the Notice, exposure to lead remains a major environmental health problem…

HUD Proposed Rule – Lead Based Paint Hazards

HUD published a proposed rule in the September 1, 2016 Federal Register titled “Requirements for Notification, Evaluation, & Reduction of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Federally Owned Residential Property & Housing Receiving Federal Assistance; Response to Elevated Blood Levels.”   The…

HUD Update on HOME Utility Allowance Requirements – August 2016

The 2013 HOME Final Rule established revised utility allowance requirements for the HOME Program. HUD Community Planning & Development recently provided updated guidance on the timeframe for implementation of the final rule and acceptable methodologies relative to the determination of…

Family Self Sufficiency Program for Multifamily Housing

HUD issued Notice H-2016-08 on August 26, 2016. This Notice relates to the Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) Program in Multifamily Housing. FSS is a HUD program that provides incentives and support to families in MF assisted housing to increase their…

Avoiding Discrimination Based on Sex in Housing

Avoiding Discrimination Based on Sex in the Provision of Housing     Federal law did not prohibit sex discrimination in housing until 1974, when a non-controversial provision of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 added “sex” as a…

Verification of Cash Payments

Verification of income from employment is usually just a matter of obtaining a written verification of income from the employer or the most recent four to six consecutive pay stubs from the applicant. However, in some cases, persons are paid…

HUD Updates Two Forms – 92006 and 9834

HUD has recently updated two forms that are required for properties with HUD assistance, the HUD Form 92006 and Form 9834.   The Form 92006 – Supplement to Application for Federally Assisted Housing contains an updated expiration date of February…

Preservation and Recapitalization of Section 236 Properties

Preservation and Recapitalization of Section 236 Properties   The Section 236 Program was created by Congress in 1968 and was designed to involve the private sector in the creation of affordable rental housing. Market rate lenders provide loans that are…

Updated REAC Guidance – May 23, 2016

HUD has released a document titled “UPCS Guidance & Protocol Clarification.” This guidance was effective on May 23, 2016, and changes some of the prior guidance inspectors followed during REAC inspections. Primary changes/clarifications are as follows: HUD has clarified that…