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NCSHA Provides Updated LIHTC Compliance Forms

The National Council for State Housing Agencies (NCSHA) has released updated model compliance forms for housing credit developments. Virtually all Housing Credit agencies (HCAs) require Housing Credit development owners to use specific forms in their compliance reporting. NCSHA, in collaboration…

Fair Housing Definition of a Dwelling

The Fair Housing Act (FHA) applies to “dwellings.” This raises the technical issue of what a dwelling is. The answer is not as simple as one may think. The statute’s definition of a dwelling includes any building occupied or intended…

Determining the Income of LIHTC Applicants and Residents

The determination of income is a primary requirement when determining the eligibility of applicants and residents at Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Properties. While individual Housing Finance Agencies (HFAs) have their own requirements relating to the determination of income, there…

Family Members of Live-in Aides- New HUD Guidance

In the past, HUD guidance has indicated that family members of live-in aides could not reside with the aide in housing developments assisted under the HUD Multifamily Housing Division. This includes project-based rental assistance programs such as Section 8, as…

2019 HOME Income Limits

HUD has published the 2019 HOME income limits. The limits will be effective on June 28, 2019. Until that date, HOME fund recipients should continue to use the 2018 HOME income limits, which were published on June 1, 2018. The…

Criminal Background Checks and Fair Housing

     The federal Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) are making investigations of fair housing violations in three specific areas a priority for 2019. These areas are sexual harassment, tenant-on-tenant harassment, and policies…

Sexual Harassment – A Fair Housing Priority

     The federal Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) are making investigations of fair housing violations in three specific areas a priority for 2019. Those areas are sexual harassment, tenant-on-tenant harassment, and policies…

New HUD Income Exclusion – ABLE Accounts

On May 6, 2019, HUD published Notice H-2019-06 and Notice PIH 2019-09, Treatment of ABLE Accounts in HUD-Assisted Programs. Background The Achieving Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act was signed into law on December 19, 2014. The ABLE Act allows states…