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Cash for Rent – Can Apartment Communities Refuse

Cash for Rent – Can Apartment Communities Refuse?   It has long been considered a “best practice” in the multifamily housing world not to accept cash rent payments. There are many good reasons not to accept rent payments in cash,…

Graffiti Removal and Restoration

Graffiti Removal & Restoration   When providing training on preparing properties for physical inspections, I always spend a little time talking about graffiti removal. I have recently received a number of email requests from clients for suggestions on how to…

Satellite Dishes – Rights of Landlords and Residents

Federal rules published by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) give residents of apartment communities the right to install satellite dishes at an apartment community, subject to FCC limits. Many landlords are still unsure of exactly what the rules permit residents…

The Determination of Qualified Basis for LIHTC Projects

The Determination of Qualified Basis for LIHTC Projects Qualified basis is a portion of a low-income building’s eligible basis associated with the low-income units. In simplest terms, it represents the amount of money spent on the construction of a building…

Eligible Basis: IRS Reconciliation of Allowable Costs

During an audit, a primary point of examination by the IRS will be the reconciliation of eligible basis, and identification of large, unusual or questionable items.   Reconciliation of Eligible Basis   The eligible basis shown on Line 7 of…

No Increase in 2016 Social Security Rates

The federal government announced today that the Social Security Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for 2016 will be zero. This means that there will be no change in the Social Security income of SS recipients for the upcoming year. Owners…

HUD Moving Aggressively on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is moving forward aggressively with the departments new “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” campaign to desegregate the country’s primarily white neighborhoods. Rockford, IL will be an early test for HUD’s ability to impose…

RHS and HUD Merger Potential

During a recent hearing before a House Financial Services panel, a representative of the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and Housing & Insurance Subcommittee Chair Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO) argued that the Rural Housing Service (RHS) should be moved from the Department…

Federal Preemption of State Landlord-Tenant Law

A recent ruling by the Wisconsin Supreme Court reaffirms the constitutional doctrine of Federal preemption. In Milwaukee City Housing Authority v. Cobb, March 2015, the Milwaukee Authority sued to evict a resident because he had violated the terms of his…

Davis-Bacon Requirements for Project Based Vouchers

HUD issued a Notice in the March 9, 2015 Federal Register providing further guidance on when Davis-Bacon wage requirements may apply to existing housing developments. This guidance relates to the final rule published by HUD on June 25, 2014 amending…

Update of Housing Trust Fund – February 18, 2015

As I noted in an earlier article, HUD has published interim regulations regarding how the Housing Trust Fund (HTF) program will be administered when funds are made available (hopefully in 2016). A final rule is anticipated before Summer 2015. Developers…

Poverty Guidelines Published by HHS – Income Limits to Follow

On January 22, 2015, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services published the 2015 Poverty Guidelines in the Federal Register. These guidelines are used to determine financial eligibility for certain federal programs, including HUD Subsidized housing programs. HUD had…

E-Book on LIHTC Compliance Now Available

As you well know, the federal low-income housing tax credit program is complicated. Staying in compliance with all of the program’s rules – and successfully interpreting the gray areas – is essential for all of the players involved in projects:…

Importance of Regular Review of Company Handbooks & Policies

Many property management companies create operations and compliance handbooks and policies to assist staff in understanding the company’s operational procedures. Once completed, the handbooks and policies are rarely (if ever) reviewed and updated. A periodic audit of a company’s employment…

2014 Year End Legislative Efforts

As always, the end of the year brings intense legislative activity in Washington. Recent actions affecting housing include the following:   House Tax Extender Package The House passed the Tax Increase Prevention Act of 2014 on December 3, which will…

Citi Bank Loan Program

Developers looking to put together LIHTC deals in California, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, Delaware, Washington DC, and Florida have a new financing option available to them.   Citi Bank has released guidance for its new affordable rental-housing program – The…

HUD REAC Rules Updated (August 12, 2014)

HUD released HUD Compilation Bulletin on August 12, 2014, providing updated guidance to REAC inspectors regarding when certain areas of properties are not to be inspected for REAC purposes and changing the way certain inspection elements will be reviewed. These…

General Partner Removal – Rights of the Limited Partner

The Delaware Supreme Court recently decided a case important to investors and developers of Low-Income Housing Tax Credit housing. The case (DV Realty Advisors LLC v. Policemen’s Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago, DEFAX Case No. D65838 {Del. 2013}), is…

Hobby vs. Self-Employment

As managers of affordable housing, we are often faced with applicants and residents who refer to themselves as “self-employed,” but are unable to adequately document their income. Such individuals are not generally considered self-employed since persons who are self-employed are…

Promise Zones Offer Potential for Affordable Housing

In the 2013 State of the Union address, the President announced the creation of “Promise Zones. (PZ)” The goal of these zones is to provide a mechanism for a partnership between the federal government and local governments in order to…

IRS Approves Same-Sex Marriage for Tax Purposes

Yesterday, I sent you an email that the IRS had not yet decided whether to recognize same-sex marriage for purposes of filing a joint federal tax return. I also indicated that I believed this was clearly contrary to the Supreme…

New Veteran Preference for New Jersey Properties

Governor Chris Christie recently signed into law legislation that will expand access to affordable housing for New Jersey veterans.  This new program allows owners of affordable housing to give a preference for veterans by entering into a preference agreement with…

Bipartisan Policy Center Recommendations

The Bipartisan Policy Center was founded in 2007 by former Senate Majority Leaders Howard Baker, Tom Daschle, Bob Dole, and George Mitchell for the purpose of developing and recommending sound solutions to national problems. The Center has recently issued a…