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Cooler Surfaces Create a Competitive Advantage

Multifamily housing developers – including those who build affordable housing – can reduce peak temperatures by replacing hot, dark surfaces – interior roads, rooftops, playgrounds, and parking lots – with cooler alternatives. With each summer seemingly getting hotter than the…

Novogradac Releases Study on 2023 Income Estimates

Novogradac and Company, a nationally recognized accounting firm in the area of affordable housing, has released a study on potential changes in income limits for 2023. Novogradac completed the estimates using five-year American Community Survey (ACS) data. When the Department…

HUD Updates National Nonmetropolitan Income Limits

When the Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) published the 2022 income limits (effective April 18, 2022), the Department simultaneously published the National Nonmetropolitan Income Limits (NNMIL) as part of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section of the Income…

HUD Issues MOR Rule and Notice

On June 27, 2022, the Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) published the Management and Occupancy Review (MOR) Rule and Notice in the Federal Register. The rule becomes effective on September 26, 2022. This final rule follows the 2015…

A. J. Johnson Partners with Colorado Housing on Average Income Webinar

A.J. Johnson will be presenting Average Income Minimum Set-Aside: Requirements and Best Practices on July 19, 2022, at 11:00 am (EST). This class will be offered through Colorado Housing and Finance Authority’s chfareach educational programming for affordable housing property owners and managers.  The…

HUD Publishes Various Income and Rent Limits

HUD has published the Fiscal Year 2022 income limits for Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG), Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Housing Opportunities for People with Aids (HOPWA), the HOME Program, and the Housing Trust Fund (HTF). These limits will be effective…

HUD Publishes 2022 Income Limits

On April 18, 2022, HUD published the 2022 income limits for HUD programs as well as for the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit and Tax-Exempt Bond programs. The limits are effective on April 18, 2022.  The limits for the LIHTC and…

Remote Work – Here to Stay

Now that the pandemic is showing signs of waning and life is beginning to return to normal, we are all eager to see if the workplace will also look like it did pre-pandemic. The answer is becoming increasingly clear –…

Treasury Announces ERA1 Reallocation for Round 2

The Department of Treasury has announced the Round 2 reallocations for the Emergency Rental Assistance 1 (ERA1) funds. This was a reallocation of funds that were not used by the entities to whom the funds were initially allocated. A total…

HUD to Enforce Carbon Monoxide Protections in HUD Projects

On January 31, 2022, HUD issued Notice H-2022-01, clarifying federal requirements for carbon monoxide (CO) alarms and detectors. CO is a byproduct of fuel-fired combustion appliances such as furnaces and water heaters. If these appliances are not properly vented, the…