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Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act Gaining Support

Since its introduction in June 2019, the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act has garnered more support and co-sponsorships from Congressional members. If enacted into law, the legislation will increase the annual allocation of low-income housing tax credits by 50 percent…

Social Security COLA – 2020

The federal government announced on October 10, 2019 that the Social Security Cost of Live Adjustment (COLA) for 2020 will be 1.6%.  This increase will provide an additional $24 per month for the average retiree. This is significantly less than…

NCSHA Provides Updated LIHTC Compliance Forms

The National Council for State Housing Agencies (NCSHA) has released updated model compliance forms for housing credit developments. Virtually all Housing Credit agencies (HCAs) require Housing Credit development owners to use specific forms in their compliance reporting. NCSHA, in collaboration…

HUD Issues Revised Final Implementation Notice for RAD Program

On September 5, 2019, HUD issued Notice H-2019-09, PIH-2019-23 (HA), Rental Assistance Demonstration – Final Implementation, Revision 4. This revised notice provides program instructions for the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Program, including eligibility and selection criteria. Background The RAD program…

New Software Available for Affordable Housing Properties

MRI Software has introduced MRI Affordable Housing, a property management and compliance software program for owners and managers of affordable housing and mixed-income portfolios. This software fully integrates with MRI’s conventional multi-family property management and financial solutions. It is intended…

Winning Reasonable Accommodation Cases – Smoking Complaints

Every owner and manager of a housing development understands (or should understand) that disabled applicants and residents have the right to request that properties be modified (reasonable modifications) or that rules be changed or waived (reasonable accommodations) so that the…

Winning Reasonable Accommodation Cases – Noise Complaints

Every owner and manager of a housing development understands (or should understand) that disabled applicants and residents have the right to request that properties be modified (reasonable modifications) or that rules be changed or waived (reasonable accommodations) so that the…

Family Members of Live-in Aides- New HUD Guidance

In the past, HUD guidance has indicated that family members of live-in aides could not reside with the aide in housing developments assisted under the HUD Multifamily Housing Division. This includes project-based rental assistance programs such as Section 8, as…

Save Affordable Housing Act of 2019

On June 25, 2019, four U.S. Senators and three members of the House introduced the Save Affordable Housing Act of 2019. The sole purpose of this proposed legislation is to repeal the qualified contract option for the federal Low-Income Housing…

New HUD Income Exclusion – ABLE Accounts

On May 6, 2019, HUD published Notice H-2019-06 and Notice PIH 2019-09, Treatment of ABLE Accounts in HUD-Assisted Programs. Background The Achieving Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act was signed into law on December 19, 2014. The ABLE Act allows states…

HUD Publishes 2019 Income Limits

On April 24, 2019, HUD published the 2019 income limits for HUD programs as well as for the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit and Tax-Exempt Bond programs. The limits are effective on April 24, 2019.  The limits for the LIHTC and…

GAO Recommends Improvements to REAC – March 2019

            At the end of March 2019, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued a report titled, “REAL ESTATE ASSESSMENT CENTER – HUD Should Improve Physical Inspection Process and Oversight of Inspectors.”             The 2017 Consolidated Appropriations Act, Joint Explanatory Statement,…

Affordable Senior Housing – Demand Exceeds Supply

The Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies recently published Housing America’s Older Adults 2018. A highlight of the report is that over half of U.S. households are now headed by someone age 50 or older. This indicates that the living…

Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Requirements for HOME Properties

The HOME final rule (24 CFR 92.351[a]) requires Participating Jurisdictions (PJs) and state recipients to develop, adopt, and follow written affirmative marketing procedures and requirements for rental and homebuyer projects containing five or more HOME-assisted units, regardless of the specific…

Dealing with “Zero Income” Households

While “zero income” households are rare on Low-Income Housing Tax Credit properties (since there is no rental assistance, income is required in order to pay the rent), such households are not uncommon on Section 8 properties or developments with Rural…

IRS 2018-2019 Priority Guidance Plan

On November 8, 2018, the IRS released a Priority Guidance Plan for the period July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019.   This plan outlines the areas that the IRS intends to provide formal guidance on for the rest of…

2019 Social Security COLA

The federal government announced on October 11, 2018 that the Social Security Cost of Live Adjustment (COLA) for 2019 will be 2.8%.  This is the largest cost-of-living adjustment since 2012. The average SS check is $1,422 a month, meaning next…