Tax Credit

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Costs Included In Eligible Basis

  The next few articles in this series of articles on the IRS Audit Guide will focus on the important issue of Eligible Basis, the beginning point for the calculation of credits. This first article will discuss the costs that…

No Increase in 2016 Social Security Rates

The federal government announced today that the Social Security Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for 2016 will be zero. This means that there will be no change in the Social Security income of SS recipients for the upcoming year. Owners…

Allocations Under the Nonprofit Set-Aside – IRS Requirements

IRC Section 42(h)(5) requires that a portion of each states annual credit ceiling be set aside for allocation to projects involving qualified nonprofit organizations. Specifically, the Code requires that not more than 90% of the state housing credit ceiling for…

The IRS and Extended Use Agreements

The IRS and Extended Use Agreements   As outlined in §42 (h) (6), all LIHTC properties allocated credits after 1989 must have an extended use agreement (EUA). The agreement is entered into by the taxpayer and the Housing Credit Agency…

Determining the Cash Value of and Income from Annuities

Determining the Cash Value of and Income from Annuities   There is some confusion among managers of affordable rental housing regarding how to determine the value of and income from annuities. Part of the confusion is the result of a…

Section 42 Audit Guide- Techniques Used During Audit

Audit Guide Chapter 3- Techniques Used During Audit   The IRS audit process includes the accumulation of evidence for evaluating the accuracy of a taxpayer’s tax return. Evidence includes taxpayer testimony, books and records, examiner observations, and third party documents.…

GAO Recommends Joint HUD – IRS Oversight of LIHTC Program

Responding to a request from Senator Charles Grassley, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) as performed a review of the oversight and administration of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Program. The results of the…

RAD – Revised Program Notice PIH-2012-32, REV-2

On June 26, 2015, HUD published a Notice in the Federal Register revising some of the rules of the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Program. HUD’s original notice on the program was published on June 26, 2012. The RAD program provides…

Nonprofit Material Participation Requirements

Section 42 (h) (5) of the Internal Revenue Code requires that Housing Finance Agencies set aside at least ten percent of their annual allocation for use by non-profit entities. This “non-profit pool” is available only to Qualified Nonprofit Organizations and…

Good Cause Evictions – New IRS Guidance

The IRS issued a Chief Counsel Advice (CCA) memorandum on March 26, 2015 on the subject of Noncompliance Resulting from Conflicting Program Requirements in the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program. The memorandum was issued in order to change the advice…

HUD to Publish Proposed VAWA Regulation

HUD Secretary Julian Castro announced on March 25, 2015 that HUD’s proposed regulation implementing the Violence Against Women Act of 2013 (VAWA 2013) will shortly be published in the Federal Register. The rule will implement the VAWA 2013, which expands…

Understanding Military Income and Allowances

I get many questions from managers regarding how to deal with and verify income for members of the military. Understanding the military pay system is confusing even for those in the military; it can be impossible for persons not familiar…

Employee Unit Rent

As I indicated in a memo I sent to clients on November 7, 2014, the IRS will not consider the charging of rent or utilities for employee or security officer units to be an audit issue. This position is stated…

2015 Income Limits

On March 6, 2015, HUD published the 2014 income limits for HUD programs as well as for the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit and Tax-Exempt Bond programs. The limits for the LIHTC and Bond projects are published separately from the limits…

Poverty Guidelines Published by HHS – Income Limits to Follow

On January 22, 2015, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services published the 2015 Poverty Guidelines in the Federal Register. These guidelines are used to determine financial eligibility for certain federal programs, including HUD Subsidized housing programs. HUD had…

E-Book on LIHTC Compliance Now Available

As you well know, the federal low-income housing tax credit program is complicated. Staying in compliance with all of the program’s rules – and successfully interpreting the gray areas – is essential for all of the players involved in projects:…

Documents to Retain for LIHTC Projects

Documents to Retain for Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Projects   In September 2014, the IRS published the Audit Guide for Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Projects. This guide is intended to assist IRS agents during an examination of a Section 42…

Disaster Relief Rules – IRS Revenue Notice 2014-49

Disaster Relief Rules   Revenue Procedure 2014-49 This IRS Revenue Procedure provides temporary relief from certain requirements of §42 of the Internal Revenue Code (the LIHTC Program) for Agencies and owners if certain areas have been impacted by a major…